Wednesday, June 15, 2011

You never really learn to swear until you learn to drive

I have some bad news that might be a secret to most... If you have ever driven with me, you know you have to hold on tight. It's not that I'm really a bad driver, it's just that I like to get to places quickly. Someone once told me I drive like I'm in Africa all the time-weaving in and out of traffic, not using full stops, you know... My mom even told me that driving with me is like riding on a ride at Disney Land. But here's the secret, when I am driving with others I use my best driving behavior. What you might say!? Yes it's true I'm actually a worse driver when I'm driving solo.
1. I have been pulled over 3 times, but I have never gotten a ticket!
2. The day I got my license I backed in to someone, but didn't really do any damage.
3. I have hit probably 50 garbage cans.
4. Ran into a fence.
5. Knocked my side mirror off when I drove into a hedge.
6. Nearly flipped the car (with the whole family in it) while trying to text and drive.
I'm pretty sure I could go on, but I will stop here, because I still want people to drive with me, because I'm really not that bad of a driver. I promise.

The sad thing is, I think I might be capable of something like this...

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